🎶 Drifting Blues

🎼 Sáng tác: | 🎵 Blues | 🎶 Unkown | 👁️ 107

---Verse 1---
[D]Drifting and drifting,
[Bbm]just like a ship out on the sea[D]
[Bbm]I'm drifting and drifting,
just like a ship out on the sea[D]
[B7]As I ain't got nobody
[Bbm]in this world to [D]care for me[B7]

---Verse 2---
[D]If my baby
[Bbm]would only take me back again[D]
[Bbm]If my baby,
if my baby would only take me back aga[D]in
[B7]I would feel much better
[Bbm]and at least I'd have a [D]friend[B7]

---Verse 3---
[D]I'm drifting and drifting,
[Bbm]just like a ship [D]out on the sea
[Bbm]Drifting and drifting,
just like a ship out on the sea[D]
[B7]'Cause I ain't got nobody
[Bbm]in this world to care for [D]me, oh no[B7]
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