Frank Sinatra

Có 14 bài hát của nghệ sĩ Frank Sinatra.
The World We Knew
The World We Knew

Sáng tác:

Tone [Fb] Intro: [A#][Fb][G#m][Fb][G#m] Verse 1: [Fb] Over and over, I keep going over the [Bm] world we knew [Fb] Once when [Bb7] you walked [Bm] beside m...

Thể hiện: Frank Sinatra


fly me to the moon (live 1965)
fly me to the moon (live 1965)

Sáng tác: Bart Howard

capo 0 Fly [Am7]me to the moon [Dm7] Let me play , up[G7] there with those the stars [Cmaj7] [Fmaj7]Let me see what life [Bm7b5]is like On a Jupiter [E7]a...

Thể hiện: Frank Sinatra

Nhạc xưa

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

Sáng tác:

Capo 2 Oh, the [A#]weather out[Db]side is [A#]frightful But the [Eb]fire is so de[Db]lightful Since [Eb]we've no [A7]place to [Eb]go Let it [Db]snow, let i...

Thể hiện: Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra

Nhạc Giáng Sinh

Somethin' Stupid (Something Stupid)
Somethin' Stupid (Something Stupid)

Sáng tác: Carson Parks

[Db]I know I stand in [G6]line Until you[Db] think you have the [G6]time To spend an [Bb]evening with [D7]me. [Bb] [D7] And [Bb]if we go some[D7]place to d...

Thể hiện: Nicole Kidman, Robbie Williams

Nhạc Quốc Tế


Sáng tác: Antonio Carlos Jobim

Tone [Cb] Capo 1 == (intro) So [Dmaj9]close your eyes For [Bbdim]that's a lovely way to [Am7]be [D7b9] Aware of [Gmaj7]things your heart a[Gm6]lone was mea...

Thể hiện: Frank Sinatra


Everything Happens To Me
Everything Happens To Me

Sáng tác: Frank Sinatra/Chet Baker

Tone gốc [Fb] ==== I[Dm9] make a date for go[G9]lf, and y[G7]ou can b[Em7]et your life it [F#dim]rains; [Dm7]I try to give a [G7]party, and the g[C9]uy ups...

Thể hiện: Frank Sinatra


That’s Life
That’s Life

Sáng tác: Dean Kay

That's [Db]life,that's what [B7]all the people say [D#]You’re ridin' high in April, [A7]shot down in May [Db]But I know I'm gonna [B7]change that [D#]tune...

Thể hiện: Frank Sinatra

Traditional pop

The way you look tonight
The way you look tonight

Sáng tác: Frank Sinatra

tone [Bbm] ====== [Amaj7]Some [Ab]day , [Bm7]when I'm awfully [E7]low When[C#m7] the world is [F#7b9]cold I [Bm7]will feel a [Bm7]glow just [Em7]thinking o...

Thể hiện: Frank Sinatra

Nhạc Ngoại

New York New York
New York New York

Sáng tác: Antôn Đình Dũng

[Cb] [D#] [Bbm] == Verse Start spreading the [Cb]news, I'm leaving [D#]today I want to [Cb]be a part of it - New York, [D#]New [Bbm]York These vagabond [Cb...

Thể hiện: Frank Sinatra


All of me (Frank Sinatra)
All of me (Frank Sinatra)

Sáng tác: Quân Keyboard

Nên chơi hợp âm thế tay cao + quạt Gypsy Jazz ============================================= Verse [C7]All of me Why not take [E7]all of me? [A7]Can't you s...

Thể hiện: Frank Sinatra


Killing Me Softly
Killing Me Softly

Sáng tác: Charles Fox

*Phiên bản của Sinatra lấy hợp âm đoạn Chorus để dạo đầu === [Eb]I heard she [Db]sang a good song, [A#]I heard she [Em]had a style. [Eb]And so I [Db]came t...

Thể hiện: Fugees

My Way
My Way

Sáng tác: Antôn Đình Dũng

Verse I And [A#]now, the end is [D#]near, And so I [F#]face, the final [A7]curtain. My [Eb]friend, I'll say it clear, I'll state my [G7]case, of which I'm ...

Thể hiện: Frank Sinatra

Fly Me To The Moon
Fly Me To The Moon

Sáng tác: Bart Howard

Fly [Am7]me to the moon [Dm7] Let me play [G7]among the stars [Cmaj7] [Em]Let me see what spring [Dm7]is like On a Jupiter [E7]and Mars [Am7] In other [Dm7...

Thể hiện: Westlife


Tie A Yellow Ribbon
Tie A Yellow Ribbon

Sáng tác: Frank Sinatra

[Em]I'm coming home. I've done my [Bb]time Now I've [G]got to know what [D7]is and is it [F#]mine If [F#]you received my [Fb]letter telling [Em]you I'd soo...

Thể hiện: Dawn